Thursday, October 20, 2011

Big. Big. Getting bigger news!

My big news is growing into larger news by the day.
Yep, I'm gonna have a baby, and we are delighted!
I am due the first week of April, and I think I am finally
breaking through the "feel like I am going to vomit 20x a day" phase.
If you have seen me at a show and wondered 'why the weight gain?'
or 'why is rubberband is holding her jeans together?' now you know.

I will find out boy or girl in the next few weeks, and I feel
excited at the prospect of either. I think it's a girl, but that
probably is based on June's psychic powers.
Yes, you read that right. June is actually the one
who told me I was pregnant before even I knew.
She walked up to me one day, put her hand on
my stomach and said...
J- Mom, you have a baby in your tummy.
Me- Sweetie, there isn't a baby in my tummy.
J- No, there is. (said totally matter of fact, and then she trotted off)

I brushed off this encounter until the same conversation happened
the next day with this variation:
J- Mom, you have a baby in your tummy.
Me- Oh really, is it a baby boy or girl?
J- It's a girl.
Then 20 minutes later one of my dearest friends, Sarah Powers, called me.
She told me that she had the strongest feeling that
I was pregnant. Sarah and I grew up together in Santa Barbara,
and when I found out I was pregnant with June, she found out she
was pregnant with her daughter Allegra. Our girls were born a
week apart and I feel like she has been essential in my journey
through parenthood. So when your best friend since you were 10 years
old/parenting mentor backs up what your three year old
has been telling you for two is time to get a pregnancy
test. Or two.

On that note, I've canceled all my tours from January on that required
traveling far. I am looking to fill some of those dates with house concerts or
holiday house concerts in the states of Utah/Idaho. If you are interested in
having me come sing to you and yours just email me at
and I will guide you through each step.

So, thanks for your support on this journey of being a mom and a musician
and making it work.

sarah + 1


  1. Congrats! What a lucky little one coming your way.

  2. Congrats!! And it was very fun to run into you the other day!

  3. Congrats! How beautiful that June is so tuned in!!

  4. It is lovely that your family is growing, and that June is already so attuned to her sibling! Huge congrats and thanks for sharing all the sweet details.

  5. Congrats to you and your family!!

  6. congrats Sarah! looks like we are having a boy in early March. we must get together for a playdate/pregnant mom session soon.


  7. i will never get tired of hearing this awesome story. we're so so so excited for you guys!

  8. Thanks friends. I feel your support and so appreciate it!

  9. It's written somewhere that "the best gift you can give your child is a sibling". It's so true. Congratulations!

  10. I love you. June was the truly psychic one - I just had a flash of insight. :)

  11. Congratulations!! That is a great story. You should take June to Vegas.

  12. Congratulations, Sarah!
    So excited for you and your family!

  13. What happy news! Many congratulations to you, Sarah!

  14. Wow! I was not expecting that to be your news! Congratulations, two is so much better than one, I'm telling you. How darling is Junie, tender little soul. So happy to have another little playmate from your family.

  15. hooray! so happy for the whole fam, love you guys!

  16. CONGRATS!! =)
    I was at SPARK!! THe Blonde that sat right in front center stage =)
    I am SO EXCITED for you and your growing family!!I CAN'T STOP listening to your CD's even my
    5 yr. old Beckett LOVES them and he even has his FAVORITES!! When he hears one he'll say what # is that song mom?? I'll tell him and days later he'll say mom can you play #7!! I LOVE it!! Anyway, CONGRATS and THANKS for sharing your AMAZING GIFT!! Have a FABULOUS WEEK!! =)

  17. Congrats on your baby!
    You were wonderful at Spark!
    I enjoyed your music and listen to your cd in my car every day.
    I just received your newsletter. Id be happy to host a house party and have you sing, its to bad I live in OREGON. but hey, if your ever in the area let me know!
    Again, Congrats on your baby! Best of luck with the rest of you pregnancy.
